Product Stewardship

Our Commitment to Product Stewardship

The Chemours Company defines product stewardship as “an integrated business process for identifying, managing, and reducing safety, health, and environmental risk through all stages of a product’s life in the best interest of our four stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders, and society.” For specific questions not addressed below, please email us at [email protected].

Regulatory Statements

Position Statements

Voluntary Standards

Product stewardship is one component of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) Responsible Care™ program. Chemours is a member of both ACC and CEFIC and is fully committed to implementing product stewardship throughout our businesses.

For specific documents regarding the Sustainability, please visit the Chemours sustainability page.

The European Union created and adapted the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals) regulation to ensure the protection of humans and the environment from risks that chemicals may carry. REACH regulations apply to all chemical substances and places burden of proof on companies. Companies must identify and manage any risks associated with the substances they manufacture and market in the EU to maintain compliance with REACH.